Saturday, January 17, 2009

MS 313's "crazy" principal.

I was on AIM , as every other teen was, but when a friend sent me an IM telling about this guy by the name of George Weber's blog about my old Assistant Principal, Suzane Joseph, who is now the Principal, I knew I had to read it!
The blog consists of actual proof that the new principal is disrespectful and cruel to her staff, as well as students. A comment on the blog left by an MS 313 staff member tells about how the principal threatened her students by saying if they didn't sing a gospel song, during the school's assembly, it would result in suspension.
This is CRAZY!
Students have the right to choose whether or not they want to participate in soemthing like this, but in MS 313, they did not.
I feel as if the staff said a lot in the comments of this post, but it would have been very effective if parents left comments. It is their children that attends these schools and how will anyone know that they care about their children's education if they don't get involved.
It also addressed a situation in which students went through a random search, where teachers went through their bags and disposed all snacks that the students had, including my younger sister, who had at least $3.oo worth of lunch in her school bag.
Something's gotta change...

here's the link to the post...